Friday, June 25, 2010

I. am. exhausted.

After the epic day at Wimbledon, today was a sleepy one. And even though all I want to do is sleep, I'm trying to get as much as I can done for work and class so that I don't have to spend my last days in London in the flat working.
I can't believe next week is our last week in London - two weeks from today I will be home in Indiana, half a world away. Crazy. And there is still so much to do. However, I am excited to have the extra few days for fun and to show mom around this city that I know so well now.

After work today, I went to the Bank of England museum to get information for my article for work and it was really cool and interesting.

Fun fact of the day - the exchange rate was created when several countries adopted the gold standard. Then, the rate was based on the amount of gold in your 1 unit coin. So for example, there was 486% more gold in 1 pound than in 1 dollar so the exchange rate was 1 pound = $4.86.

Then I was leaving and what did I see? More of the Play Me, I'm Yours pianos! I really want to have time next week to write a scene piece about them, because I'm kinda obsessed.(as you can tell by the additional picture)

Then later it was time for birthday shakes for Megan's birthday at Tinsletown with the group, where I got a Mint Aero shake (yum!)

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