Sunday, May 23, 2010

J-school Day Trip 1

After sitting a on a coach bus for several hours, we traveled out of the city into the English countryside. And there in the middle of beautiful rolling hills of green and gold, was Stonehenge. It was sort of surreal as we walked around the rocks. This is something I've seen in school for years and here I was there. The myths were really interesting - one theory was that the devil took the rocks from a old woman's garden and flew them to Stonehenge. And another theory is that King Arthur's father is buried there and Merlin had something to do with their creation.

Around the rocks were the most beautiful rolling hills and sheep! It seemed to be straight out of P.S. I love you.

And then it was off to Bath, the city was beautiful and runs a close second to Cambridge. But it was way more tourist -y. We ate lunch at Sarah Lunn's which is famous for their bread buns and is the oldest building in bath. I drank my first cup of tea It was the house blend and turned out to be better tasting then I thought. And then we browsed a few shops and went to the Roman baths.

The museum was interesting and I never realized just how historical this trip would be. It is so crazy to walk on streets that were built by the Romans. And it was so pretty. It only made me more excited for Rome.

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