Tuesday, May 18, 2010

sweet potatos and the washerdryer

Today I went to work and at lunch my boss was leaving to go home so I walked out with him. I had packed my lunch but he recommended a place called Leon for lunch so I had to try it. I had a sweet potato falafel wrap. It was delicious! Not to mention, the inside of the restaurant was adorable. There was a long booth seat against the back wall with little tables and the seats across the table were 5 gallon (or would it be liters here?) buckets with fabric seats. It was perfect to sit and eat and read my copy of the Economist. (which I fell in love with at the perfect time - it's British!)

After work, I wandered through the market near our flats. The shops were great and I am already planning to go back to buy a few things. Then I decided to have an adventure with the flat washerdryer who I named Ophelia. First of all, its just one machine - both a washer and a dryer - and its in the counter under the microwave like a dishwasher should be. I loaded it, but couldn't figure out the buttons. Then Kamilla came over and I thought she would know, but apparently there are multiple types of washerdryers because Flat 9 has a different machine. So I just pushed a button and hoped for the best. Currently, I'm sitting in Flat 9....so I should see how my laundry turned out later.

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