Thursday, May 27, 2010

Lois Lane!

So this afternoon, I thought I was going to blog about the weather. And although I both love and hate the London weather, so much more happened today that it will have to wait for another day, a boring day, if that’s even possible in London.

After work, I decided to venture to somewhere that had free wifi and work for a bit. Costa didn’t have free wifi and Pret a Manger had free wifi but didn’t look like somewhere I could just sit and hang out. So I walked down to the tea shop nearby. It was adorable and when I walked in the woman asked me what type of tea I wanted. I must have started blankly when I said, I’m still deciding, because she offered to help and soon I was smelling different teas and tasting an extra sugary iced mocha.
I finally picked one (I have no idea what kind it was) and sat down to work on my computer. Drinking tea. From my teapot. In London.

Later on, Danielle and I went to find Lion King tickets without success. However, we did find where they were setting up for the premiere of Sex and the City 2 tomorrow. But we did go to this amazing little bookstore where the whole basement was filled with books for one pound each. Needless to say, I bought three books.

After dinner, we decided to head out to the Salisbury so Caitlin could see her bartender she was so in love with. Although he wasn’t there, we did make friends with a group from Argentina who were sitting at the table next to us. The English they knew was really good, but Melissa still ended up doing some translating. They were so excited to hear her speak Spanish!

When we explained to them we were journalism students, the one man started to click a fake camera and said over and over “Lois Lane!” and then pretended to be superman. We had lots of fun talking and chanting with them. On the walk home, we stopped at Farrington Grill for fries. They were so good. I forgot how much I missed salt! This could be dangerous to have fires like that so close….and I thought I would lose weight on this trip!

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